Portuguese language

How to pronounce word in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms logos, son
Type Words
Synonyms intelligence, news, tidings
Type of information, info
Has types good word, latest
Type Words
Synonyms discussion, give-and-take
Type of spoken language, language, spoken communication, speech communication, voice communication, speech, oral communication
Has types argumentation, talks, dialogue, ventilation, public discussion, postmortem, post-mortem, debate, panel discussion, group discussion, argument, deliberation, conference, negotiation

we had a word or two about it.
Type Words
Synonyms countersign, parole, password, watchword
Type of positive identification, arcanum, secret

he forgot the password.
Type Words
Synonyms bible, book, christian bible, good book, holy scripture, holy writ, scripture, word of god
Type of sacred text, religious text, sacred writing, religious writing
Has types family bible
Type Words
Synonyms parole, word of honor
Type of promise

he gave his word.
Type Words
Synonyms articulate, formulate, give voice, phrase
Type of show, express, evince
Has types redact, dogmatize, lexicalise, formularize, dogmatise, couch, lexicalize, ask, formularise, frame, put, cast
Derivation wording
Type Words
Type of statement

he didn't say a word about it.
Type Words
Type of computer memory unit

large computers use words up to 64 bits long.
Type Words
Type of linguistic unit, language unit
Has types homonym, hybrid, hypernym, hyponym, key word, signifier, anagram, anaphor, antonym, back-formation, catchword, charade, classifier, closed-class word, cognate, cognate word, coinage, content word, contraction, deictic, deictic word, derivative, descriptor, diminutive, dirty word, dissyllable, disyllable, equivalent word, form, four-letter anglo-saxon word, four-letter word, function word, guide word, guideword, hapax legomenon, head, head word, headword, heteronym, holonym, language, loan, loan-blend, loanblend, loanword, logical quantifier, manner name, meronym, metonym, monosyllabic word, monosyllable, neologism, neology, nomenclature, nonce word, open-class word, opposite, opposite word, oxytone, palindrome, paronym, paroxytone, part name, partitive, polysemant, polysemantic word, polysemous word, polysyllabic word, polysyllable, primitive, proparoxytone, quantifier, reduplication, retronym, spoken word, subordinate, subordinate word, substantive, superordinate, superordinate word, syncategorem, syncategoreme, synonym, term, terminology, trisyllable, troponym, vocable, whole name, word form, written word

words are the blocks from which sentences are made.
he hardly said ten words all morning.
Type Words
Type of order

when I give the word, charge!.