Portuguese language

How to pronounce violate in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms break, go against
Has types fly in the teeth of, fly in the face of
Derivation violation, violable, violative

This sentence violates the rules of syntax.
Type Words
Synonyms breach, break, go against, infract, offend, transgress
Type of disrespect
Has types intrude, trespass, transgress, blunder, boob, conflict, contravene, run afoul, goof, sin, infringe, drop the ball
Derivation violable, violative, violator

violate the basic laws or human civilization.
Type Words
Synonyms desecrate, outrage, profane
Type of assault, attack, set on, assail
Derivation violative, violation

violate the sanctity of the church.
Type Words
Synonyms despoil, plunder, rape, spoil
Type of destroy, ruin
Type Words
Synonyms assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrage, rape, ravish
Type of assail, set on, attack, assault
Has types gang-rape
Derivation violator, violation
Type Words
Type of touch, disturb

Don't violate my garden.
violate my privacy.