Portuguese language

How to pronounce thought in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms opinion, persuasion, sentiment, view
Type of belief
Has types pole, preconception, preconceived opinion, parti pris, idea, prepossession, judgement, judgment, eyes, preconceived notion, preconceived idea, mind, politics, political sympathies
Derivation think

what are your thoughts on Haiti?.
Type Words
Synonyms idea
Type of content, cognitive content, mental object
Has types kink, whimsy, belief, burden, cogitation, concept, conception, construct, feeling, figment, generalisation, generality, generalization, ideal, idealisation, idealization, impression, inspiration, keynote, meaning, misconception, motif, notion, opinion, plan, preoccupation, program, programme, reaction, substance, suggestion, theme, theorem, whim, whimsey
Derivation think

the thought never entered my mind.
Type Words
Synonyms cerebration, intellection, mentation, thinking, thought process
Type of higher cognitive process
Has types convergent thinking, construction, consideration, reasoning, logical thinking, preparation, line of thought, mental synthesis, ideation, problem solving, mysticism, abstract thought, thread, provision, out-of-the-box thinking, train of thought, planning, explanation, free association, excogitation, divergent thinking
Derivation think

she paused for thought.
Type Words
Type of belief
Has types mainstream
Derivation think

19th century thought.
Darwinian thought.