Portuguese language

How to pronounce swan in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms cast, drift, ramble, range, roam, roll, rove, stray, tramp, vagabond, wander
Type of move, go, travel, locomote
Has types gallivant, maunder, jazz around, gad
Verb group wander, drift, err, stray
Type Words
Synonyms affirm, assert, aver, avow, swear, verify
Type of declare
Has types protest, declare, claim, hold, take, tell, assure, attest
Type Words
Type of aquatic bird
Has types tundra swan, whooper, whooper swan, trumpeter swan, black swan, cob, coscoroba, cygnet, cygnus atratus, cygnus buccinator, cygnus columbianus, cygnus cygnus, cygnus olor, mute swan, pen, trumpeter
Type Words
Type of sail, sweep

Airplanes were swanning over the mountains.