Portuguese language

How to pronounce stop in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms cease, discontinue, give up, lay off, quit
Has types close off, knock off, cheese, pull the plug, call it quits, call it a day, break, drop, shut off, retire, leave off, withdraw, sign off
Derivation stoppage
Type Words
Synonyms block, blockage, closure, occlusion, stoppage
Type of obstructer, obstructor, obstruction, impediment, impedimenta
Has types plug, breechblock, breech closer, vapor lock, vapour lock, stopper, stopple
Type Words
Synonyms stoppage
Type of human action, act, deed, human activity
Has types haemostasis, hemostasis, hemostasia, stand-down, standdown, haemostasia

the third baseman made some remarkable stops.
his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood.
Type Words
Synonyms break, break off, discontinue
Type of end, terminate
Has types interrupt, fracture, bog down, bog, disrupt, break up, cut off

stop the project.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stoppage
Type of inactiveness, inactivity, inaction
Has types countercheck, logjam

he spent the entire stop in his seat.
Type Words
Synonyms block, halt, kibosh
Type of foreclose, forbid, forestall, preclude, prevent
Has types embargo, stay
Type Words
Synonyms bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade
Type of obstruct, close up, impede, jam, occlude, block, obturate
Has types close, close off, block off, shut off
Verb group obstruct, block
Derivation stopper

stop the busy road.
Type Words
Synonyms catch
Type of constraint, restraint
Has types detent, click, dog, doorstop, doorstopper, bench hook, tripper, trip, pawl

he used a book as a stop to hold the door open.
Type Words
Synonyms cease, end, finish, terminate
Has types discontinue, disappear, lapse, run low, run out, run short, turn out, vanish, adjourn, go out, go away, go, come out, break, conclude, break up, culminate, climax, close, pass away, cut out, recess

Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other.
Type Words
Synonyms hold on
Type of break, interrupt
Derivation stoppage
Type Words
Synonyms stop over
Type of disrupt, break up, interrupt, cut off
Has types call, lay over, stop over

we stopped at Aunt Mary's house.
they stopped for three days in Florence.
Type Words
Synonyms intercept
Type of grab, catch, take hold of
Has types cut out, cut off
Type Words
Synonyms diaphragm
Type of mechanical device
Has types iris, iris diaphragm
Type Words
Synonyms occlusive, plosive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, stop consonant
Type of obstruent
Has types click, labial stop, suction stop, glottal stop, glottal plosive, glottal catch

his stop consonants are too aspirated.
Type Words
Synonyms halt
Has types brake, rein in, stall, rein, draw up, pull up, pull up short, haul up, conk, check, go off, settle

the car stopped.
She stopped in front of a store window.
Type Words
Synonyms halt
Type of finish, ending, conclusion
Has types standstill, tie-up, surcease, cessation, stand

it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill.
Type Words
Synonyms layover, stopover
Type of stay
Has types stand, pit stop, night-stop

they made a stopover to visit their friends.
Type Words
Synonyms full point, full stop, period, point
Type of punctuation mark, punctuation
Has types suspension point

in England they call a period a stop.
Type Words
Synonyms arrest, check, contain, hold back, turn back
Type of defend
Has types cut down, cut out
Type Words
Type of spot, topographic point, place
Has types stopover, loading area, bus stop, way station, loading zone, checkpoint

his next stop is Atlanta.
Type Words
Has types cut, stall, rein in, rein, pull up, hold, arrest, halt, brake, flag down, draw up, bring up, check
Derivation stoppage

stop a car.
stop the thief.
Type Words
Type of knob

the organist pulled out all the stops.