Portuguese language

How to pronounce speak in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms talk
Type of communicate, intercommunicate
Has types soliloquize, chat up, discourse, soliloquise, level, dish the dirt, mash, dissertate, dogmatise, romance, rap, dogmatize, monologuise, monologuize, talk turkey, carry on, cheek, butterfly, talk down, flirt, orate, coquette, dally, spiel, hold forth, philander, continue, converse, pontificate, go on, gossip, coquet, proceed
Derivation speech
Type Words
Synonyms talk
Type of communicate, intercommunicate
Has types slang, run on, smatter
Derivation speaking, speech

the prisoner won't speak.
they speak a strange dialect.
Type Words
Synonyms address
Has types harangue, memorialise, keynote, blaze away, memorialize
Derivation speaking, speech
Type Words
Synonyms mouth, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types mouth off, mumble, murmur, mussitate, mutter, open up, palaver, peep, phonate, piffle, prate, prattle, present, rabbit on, rant, yap away, bark, bay, begin, blab, blabber, blubber, blubber out, blunder, blunder out, blurt, blurt out, bumble, cackle, chant, chatter, clack, deliver, drone, drone on, ejaculate, enthuse, falter, gabble, generalise, generalize, gibber, gulp, hiss, inflect, intone, jabber, jaw, lip off, maunder, modulate, tittle-tattle, tone, troll, twaddle, verbalise, verbalize, vocalise, vocalize, whiff, whine, whisper, yack, yack away, babble, rasp, rattle on, rave, read, shoot one's mouth off, shout, sibilate, sing, siss, sizz, slur, snap, snarl, snivel, speak in tongues, speak up, spout, stammer, stutter, swallow, talk about, talk of, tattle
Verb group verbalize, verbalise
Derivation speaker, speaking, speech
Type Words
Type of sound