Portuguese language

How to pronounce slope in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms gradient
Type of position, spatial relation
Has types precipitousness, gentleness, abruptness, slant, gradualness, pitch, steepness, grade, rake
Type Words
Synonyms incline, side
Type of geological formation, formation
Has types ascent, bank, camber, cant, canyonside, climb, coast, declension, declination, declivity, descent, downslope, escarpment, fall, decline, acclivity, hillside, mountainside, piedmont, raise, rise, scarp, ski slope, upgrade, versant

he climbed the steep slope.
Type Words
Synonyms incline, pitch
Type of tilt, slant, angle, lean, tip
Has types dip, fall, stoop, ascend, climb

The terrain sloped down.