Portuguese language

How to pronounce simpleton in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms simple
Type of someone, soul, mortal, person, individual, somebody
Has types dingbat, dolt, doofus, dope, dullard, dumbbell, dummy, fool, forgetful person, half-wit, idiot, idiot savant, imbecile, lame, moron, muggins, nebbech, nebbish, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pillock, pinhead, poop, poor fish, pudden-head, pudding head, retard, sap, saphead, scatterbrain, schlemiel, schlep, schlepper, schnook, sheep, shlemiel, shlep, shlepper, shnook, space cadet, square, stupe, stupid, stupid person, subnormal, tomfool, twerp, twirp, airhead, twit, boob, booby, changeling, cretin, dimwit