Portuguese language

How to pronounce shit in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms crap, dirt, poop, shite, turd
Type of fecal matter, faeces, faecal matter, ordure, dejection, stool, bm, feces
Type Words
Synonyms ca-ca, crap, defecate, make, stool, take a crap, take a shit
Type of pass, egest, excrete, eliminate
Has types dung
Verb group make water, make, pee, take a leak, wee-wee, spend a penny, relieve oneself, puddle, piss, piddle, pee-pee, pass water, wee, micturate, urinate
Derivation shitter, shitting
Type Words
Synonyms asshole, bastard, cocksucker, dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, prick, sob, son of a bitch, whoreson
Type of disagreeable person, unpleasant person
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Synonyms damn, darn, hoot, red cent, shucks, tinker's dam, tinker's damn
Type of ineptitude, worthlessness
Derivation shitty
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Synonyms dump
Type of laxation, shitting, defecation

he took a shit.
Type Words
Synonyms betray, denounce, give away, grass, rat, shop, snitch, stag, tell on
Type of inform
Has types sell someone out
Type Words
Synonyms bull, bullshit, crap, dogshit, horseshit, irish bull
Type of buncombe, rot, hogwash, guff, bunkum, bunk

I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk.
Type Words
Synonyms diddley, diddly, diddly-shit, diddly-squat, diddlyshit, diddlysquat, doodly-squat, jack, squat
Type of small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity