Portuguese language

How to pronounce secure in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms impregnable, inviolable, strong, unassailable, unattackable
Derivation secureness

a secure telephone connection.
Type Words
Synonyms plug, stop up
Type of fill up, close
Has types chink, tampon, stopper, stopple, cork up, cork
Type Words
Synonyms assure, ensure, guarantee, insure
Has types doom, make
Verb group guarantee, vouch
Type Words
Synonyms batten, batten down
Type of fortify, beef up, strengthen
Type Words
Synonyms dependable, good, safe
Derivation security

a secure investment.
Type Words
Synonyms procure
Type of obtain
Has types patent, suborn, enlist, engage, copyright
Derivation securer
Type Words
Synonyms fasten, fix
Type of attach
Has types zipper, belay, belt, berth, bight, bind, bitt, brad, brooch, buckle, button, cable, cast anchor, cement, chain, zip up, chock, cinch, clamp, clasp, cleat, clinch, zip, coapt, wire, wedge, cramp, crank, deposit, velcro, drop anchor, toggle, tie up, anchor, entrench, tie, tack, garter, girth, ground, grout, string, hang, hang up, hasp, hook, intrench, bandage, joggle, joint, latch, lock, lock up, lodge, strap, moor, noose, stitch, stick, picket, pin, rig, rivet, rope up, run up, sew, spike, sew together, stake, staple, stay, bar
Type Words
Synonyms unafraid, untroubled
Derivation security

he was secure that nothing will be held against him.
Type Words
Type of guarantee, vouch
Has types certify
Type Words
Derivation security

secure from harm.
his fortune was secure.
made a secure place for himself in his field.
Type Words
Derivation secureness

the lock was secure.
a secure foundation.
a secure hold on her wrist.