Portuguese language

How to pronounce remove in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms take, take away, withdraw
Has types depilate, descale, desorb, unburden, undock, undress, unhinge, detoxicate, detoxify, detusk, withdraw, dig, disburden, unpack, discharge, disembowel, disinvest, dislodge, dismantle, unsaddle, divest, draw, draw away, draw off, draw out, dredge, drive out, drop, unstring, eliminate, empty, enucleate, epilate, aspirate, eviscerate, excavate, exenterate, expectorate, extirpate, extract, fan, unveil, wash, flick, free, get out, gut, harvest, head, hollow, hull, husk, hypophysectomise, hypophysectomize, wash away, knock out, lade, laden, ladle, leach, lift, lift out, amputate, muck, offsaddle, pick, pit, wash off, pull, pull off, pull out, pull up, wash out, ream, resect, rip off, rip out, scale, scalp, scavenge, scoop, scoop out, scoop up, wear away, seed, shake off, shed, shell, shuck, skim, skim off, wear off, spoon, stem, stone, string, strip, suck out, take away, take off, take out, bale out, bear away, bear off, bone, brush, bur, cut into, weed, de-iodinate, de-ionate, throw away, debone, throw off, decalcify, ablate, decarbonise, decarbonize, decarburise, decarburize, tip, decoke, decorticate, defang, winnow, defuse, degas, wipe away, dehorn, delete, turn over, tusk, delouse, delve, demineralise, demineralize, wipe off, crumb, throw, cut off, burl, burr, bail out, cancel, carry away, carry off, carve out, cast, take up, tear away, cast off, tear off, chip away, chip away at, tear out, circumcise, clean, clear, bail, clear away, clear off, clear out, clear up, condense, cream, cream off
Derivation remotion, removal, remover

remove a threat.
remove a wrapper.
Type Words
Synonyms bump off, dispatch, hit, murder, off, polish off, slay
Type of kill
Has types execute, burke
Type Words
Synonyms absent
Type of vanish, go away, disappear
Type Words
Synonyms get rid of
Has types work off, cast aside, cast away, cast out, chuck out, comb out, cull, de-aerate, deaerate, decaffeinate, decarbonate, decerebrate, dechlorinate, defat, defibrinate, degrease, deionize, delist, delocalize, deoxygenate, destain, desulfurize, desulphurize, detick, devein, discard, dispose, ditch, dump, fettle, flense, flesh, fling, kern, pith, put away, scum, slough off, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, unbridle, unmuzzle, weed out
Derivation removal
Type Words
Synonyms move out, take out
Has types call in, estrange, clear
Type Words
Synonyms take away
Has types wash away

The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage.
Type Words
Synonyms transfer
Type of shift, transfer
Has types exfiltrate

He removed his children to the countryside.
remove a case to another court.
Type Words
Type of distance

just one remove from madness.
it imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy.
Type Words
Has types give the axe, give the sack, throw out, can, oust, send away, terminate, expel, dismiss, displace, drop, bench, invalid, boot out, pull off, kick out, fire, unseat, drum out, force out, winkle out, sack, give notice
Derivation removal