Portuguese language

How to pronounce race in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms run
Type of compete, vie, contend
Has types horse-race, boat-race, campaign, place, run, show, speed skate
Derivation racer, racing

let's race and see who gets there first.
Type Words
Synonyms airstream, backwash, slipstream, wash
Type of flow
Type Words
Synonyms rush
Type of move, displace
Derivation racer

The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze.
Type Words
Synonyms belt along, bucket along, cannonball along, hasten, hie, hotfoot, pelt along, rush, rush along, speed, step on it
Type of go, travel, locomote, move
Has types flash, barge, buck, dash, dart, shoot, shoot down, charge, tear, push forward, thrust ahead, scoot, scud

The cars raced down the street.
Type Words
Synonyms raceway
Type of canal
Type Words
Synonyms subspecies
Type of taxonomic group, taxon, taxonomic category
Type Words
Type of contest, competition
Has types bicycle race, bike race, boat race, burnup, relay race, auto race, automobile race, chariot race, cross country, dog racing, foot race, footrace, freestyle, heat, horse race, potato race, relay, repechage, run, sack race, scratch race, ski race, skiing race, car race
Derivation racy

the race is to the swift.
Type Words
Type of competition, contest
Has types campaign, political campaign, run, arms race

the race for the presidency.
Type Words
Type of group, grouping
Has types master race, herrenvolk
Derivation racial

some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings.
Type Words
Type of move, act