Portuguese language

How to pronounce put in in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms barge in, break in, butt in, chime in, chisel in, cut in
Type of cut off, break up, interrupt, disrupt
Has types interrupt, disrupt
Type Words
Synonyms hive away, lay in, salt away, stack away, stash away, store
Type of hold on, keep
Has types accumulate, amass, bin, collect, compile, computerise, computerize, hive, hoard, pile up, roll up, victual
Type Words
Synonyms instal, install, set up
Type of position, put, set, place, lay, pose
Has types put up, post, retrofit, reinstall

We put in a new sink.
Type Words
Synonyms come in, inject, interject, interpose, throw in
Type of cut off, disrupt, break up, interrupt
Type Words
Synonyms enclose, inclose, insert, introduce, stick in
Type of pose, put, set, place, lay, position
Has types catheterise, intersperse, shoot, feed in, glass, catheterize, inject, inoculate, inset, interlard, plug, slip, cup, feed, foist
Type Words
Synonyms submit
Type of apply

We put in a grant to the NSF.