Portuguese language

How to pronounce protagonist in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms admirer, booster, champion, friend, supporter
Type of proponent, advocator, advocate, exponent
Has types boswell, cheerleader, confederate, corporatist, endorser, enthusiast, whig, anglophil, anglophile, believer, verifier, voucher, wassailer, well-wisher, francophil, francophile, free trader, functionalist, graecophile, indorser, jacobite, loyalist, mainstay, maintainer, new dealer, partisan, partizan, philhellene, philhellenist, pillar, ratifier, roundhead, seconder, shavian, stalwart, subscriber, sustainer, sympathiser, sympathizer, toaster, truster, upholder
Type Words
Synonyms agonist
Type of fictional character, fictitious character, character
Has types antihero