Portuguese language

How to pronounce progress in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms advance, go on, march on, move on, pass on
Type of move, travel, locomote, go
Has types ratchet down, plough on, press on, push on, rachet up, ratchet, slide by, slip away, slip by, sneak up, string, string along, close in, creep up, draw in, edge, elapse, encroach, forge, glide by, go along, go by, impinge, inch, infringe, lapse, overhaul, overtake, pass, penetrate
Derivation progression
Type Words
Synonyms advance, progression
Type of travel, change of location
Has types headway, head

he listened for the progress of the troops.
Type Words
Synonyms advancement
Type of development
Has types workflow, forwarding, work flow, furtherance, stride, promotion

great progress in the arts.
Type Words
Synonyms build, build up, work up
Type of develop
Verb group build, work up, ramp up, build up
Type Words
Synonyms advance, come along, come on, get along, get on, shape up
Type of develop
Has types climb, leapfrog

He progressed well in school.
Type Words
Synonyms advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion, procession, progression
Type of movement, move, motion
Has types push, easy going, leapfrog, clear sailing, career, life history, march, plain sailing