Portuguese language

How to pronounce pose in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms present
Type of constitute, represent, make up, be, comprise

This poses an interesting question.
Type Words
Synonyms amaze, baffle, beat, bewilder, dumbfound, flummox, get, gravel, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle, stick, stupefy, vex
Type of confuse, befuddle, throw, bedevil, confound, fuddle, discombobulate, fox
Has types elude, stump, escape, mix up, riddle
Derivation poser
Type Words
Synonyms affectation, affectedness, mannerism
Type of pretending, simulation, feigning, pretence, pretense
Has types radical chic, attitude
Type Words
Synonyms lay, place, position, put, set
Type of displace, move
Has types poise, posit, position, postpose, prepose, put back, put down, put in, rack up, recess, recline, replace, repose, reposition, rest, seat, seed, set, set down, set up, settle, settle down, shelve, ship, sign, siphon, sit, sit down, situate, snuggle, sow, space, stand, stand up, step, stick in, stratify, superimpose, superpose, tee, tee up, throw, thrust, trench, underlay, upend, appose, arrange, barrel, bed, bottle, bucket, butt, clap, cock, coffin, cram, deposit, dispose, docket, emplace, enclose, ensconce, fix, glycerolise, glycerolize, ground, imbricate, inclose, insert, instal, install, intersperse, introduce, jar, juxtapose, ladle, lay, lay over, lean, load, marshal, middle, misplace, nestle, parallelize, park, perch, pigeonhole, pile, pillow, place down, place upright, plant
Type Words
Synonyms model, posture, sit
Type of display, exhibit, expose
Has types ramp
Derivation poser, posing

We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often.
Type Words
Synonyms posture
Type of conduct, comport, deport, carry, acquit, behave, bear
Has types attitudinize, attitudinise
Type Words
Synonyms impersonate, personate
Type of lead astray, deceive, betray
Has types masquerade
Derivation poser

She posed as the Czar's daughter.
Type Words
Synonyms airs
Type of affectedness
Type Words
Type of attitude, posture, position