Portuguese language

How to pronounce plain in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms sheer, unmingled, unmixed
Derivation plainness

plain water.
Type Words
Synonyms complain, kick, kvetch, quetch, sound off
Has types murmur, mutter, nag, peck, protest, rail, repine, report, scold, yawp, holler, lament, grouch, grouse, grumble, hen-peck, inveigh, yammer, whine, squawk, backbite, beef, bellyache, bemoan, bewail, bitch, bleat, crab, croak, deplore, gnarl, gripe, grizzle

My mother complains all day.
Type Words
Synonyms apparent, evident, manifest, palpable, patent, unmistakable
Derivation plainness

made his meaning plain.
it is plain that he is no reactionary.
in plain view.
Type Words
Synonyms unvarnished

the plain and unvarnished truth.
Type Words
Synonyms bare, spare, unembellished, unornamented
Derivation plainness

a plain hair style.
Type Words
Synonyms apparently, evidently, manifestly, obviously, patently, plainly

You are plainly wrong.
he is plain stubborn.
Type Words
Synonyms champaign, field
Type of ground, land, dry land, terra firma, earth, solid ground
Has types tundra, flat, flood plain, floodplain, llano, moor, moorland, peneplain, peneplane, snowfield, steppe

they emerged from the woods onto a vast open plain.
Type Words
Synonyms unpatterned
Type Words
Synonyms homely
Derivation plainness

a plain girl with a freckled face.
Type Words
Synonyms knit, knit stitch, plain stitch
Type of knitting stitch
Type Words

plain food.
stuck to the plain facts.
a plain blue suit.
a plain rectangular brick building.