Portuguese language

How to pronounce piece in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms patch
Type of touch on, mend, doctor, fix, furbish up, repair, restore, bushel

She pieced the china cup.
Type Words
Synonyms part
Type of thing
Has types fragment, world, acicula, cutting, lump, hunk, nub, strip, segment, corner, slice, corpus, craton, base, body part, stub

he needed a piece of granite.
Type Words
Synonyms nibble, pick
Type of eat

He pieced at the sandwich all morning.
Type Words
Synonyms part
Type of item

he designed a new piece of equipment.
she bought a lovely piece of china.
Type Words
Synonyms slice
Type of percentage, part, portion, share
Type Words
Synonyms patch, spell, while
Type of time
Has types snap, cold spell, cold snap, hot spell

I need to rest for a piece.
Type Words
Synonyms composition, musical composition, opus, piece of music
Type of music
Has types octet, octette, allegretto, allegro, andante, arrangement, vocal, bagatelle, trio, tone poem, toccata, symphonic poem, canon, capriccio, pastiche, passage, idyl, idyll, incidental music, intermezzo, introit, larghetto, largo, potpourri, pastorale, medley, morceau, motet, movement, musical arrangement, musical passage, nocturne, pastoral, notturno, suite, study, song, solo, sheet music, sextette, sextet, sestet, divertimento, duet, duette, duo, serenade, etude, fantasia, septette, septet, realization, realisation, quintette, quintet, quartette, quartet, adagio, programme music, program music
Type Words
Synonyms art object, objet d'art
Type of work of art
Has types virtu

it is not known who created this piece.
Type Words
Synonyms bit
Type of example, instance, case

it was a nice piece of work.
Type Words
Synonyms assemble, put together, set up, tack, tack together
Type of create, join, make
Has types confect, rig up, reassemble, mix up, comfit, compound, confection, configure, confuse, jumble

She pieced a quilt.
Type Words
Synonyms firearm, small-arm
Type of gun
Has types .22, autoloader, handgun, muzzle loader, pistol, repeater, repeating firearm, rifle, riot gun, scattergun, self-loader, shooting iron, shotgun, side arm, smoothbore, twenty-two
Type Words
Synonyms man
Type of game equipment
Has types chequer, tile, checker, chess piece, white, chessman, black

he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage.
Type Words
Synonyms patch
Type of join, conjoin
Has types vamp up, vamp
Type Words
Synonyms slice
Type of portion, helping, serving
Has types scollop, cutlet, scallop, escallop, filet, fillet, fish filet, fish fillet

a piece of pie.
Type Words
Type of distance

it is down the road a piece.
Type Words
Type of creation
Has types fragment, hiatus, article, morceau, afterpiece

he wrote an interesting piece on Iran.
the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests.
Type Words
Type of portion, part
Has types shard, piece of material, piece of leather, snip, snippet, snipping, piece of cloth, scrap, spindle, fragment, sherd, beam

an important piece of the evidence.
Type Words
Type of splice

piece the broken pieces of thread, slivers, and rovings.