Portuguese language

How to pronounce organize in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms direct, engineer, mastermind, orchestrate, organise
Type of plan
Has types choreograph
Derivation organization, organizer
Type Words
Synonyms organise, unionise, unionize
Type of get together, fall in, join
Derivation organization, organizer
Type Words
Synonyms form, organise
Type of make, create
Has types reorganise, reorganize, draw up, syndicate, choose up, regiment, regroup
Derivation organization
Type Words
Synonyms organise
Type of care, manage, handle, deal
Has types territorialize, arrange, collectivise, collectivize, order, put, rationalise, rationalize, reorganise, reorganize, set up, shake up, territorialise
Derivation organization
Type Words
Synonyms coordinate, organise
Type of arrange, set up
Has types structure, mesh, interlock
Derivation organization, organizer

Can you help me organize my files?.
Type Words
Synonyms devise, get up, machinate, organise, prepare
Type of initiate, pioneer
Has types lay, mount, spatchcock, set up, embattle, sandwich, put on
Derivation organization

organize a strike.