Portuguese language

How to pronounce medical specialist in Portuguese?

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Synonyms specialist
Type of doctor, dr., doc, md, medico, physician
Has types cardiologist, chiropodist, dermatologist, diagnostician, diplomate, ear-nose-and-throat doctor, ear doctor, ear specialist, embryologist, endocrinologist, ent man, eye doctor, foot doctor, geriatrician, gerontologist, gynaecologist, gynecologist, haematologist, head-shrinker, heart specialist, heart surgeon, hematologist, hygienist, internist, neurologist, obstetrician, oculist, oncologist, ophthalmologist, orthopaedist, orthopedist, orthoptist, otolaryngologist, otologist, otorhinolaryngologist, paediatrician, pathologist, pediatrician, pediatrist, podiatrist, proctologist, psychiatrist, radiographer, radiologist, radiotherapist, rheumatologist, rhinolaryngologist, shrink, skin doctor, urologist, accoucheur, woman's doctor, anaesthetist, anesthesiologist, anesthetist, baby doctor, brain doctor