Portuguese language

How to pronounce light in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminosity, luminousness
Type of physical property
Has types glow, illuminance, incandescence, luminescence, illumination
Type Words
Synonyms lighting
Type of illumination

they played as long as it was light.
as long as the lighting was good.
Type Words
Synonyms spark, sparkle, twinkle
Type of aspect, look, verve, expression, face, facial expression, vitality
Type Words
Synonyms faint, light-headed, lightheaded, swooning

felt light in the head.
light-headed with wine.
light-headed from lack of sleep.
Type Words
Synonyms abstemious

a light eater.
a light smoker.
ate a light supper.
Type Words
Synonyms calorie-free, lite, low-cal

light (or lite) beer.
lite (or light) mayonnaise.
Type Words
Synonyms illumination
Type of status, condition

follow God's light.
Type Words
Synonyms fall
Type of fall, devolve, pass, return
Verb group fall, accrue
Type Words
Synonyms visible light, visible radiation
Type of actinic ray, actinic radiation
Has types glow, beam, fluorescence, firelight, friar's lantern, gaslight, daylight, counterglow, corona, twilight, gegenschein, torchlight, candlelight, candle flame, beam of light, will-o'-the-wisp, sunshine, sunlight, sun, streamer, starlight, glowing, shooting star, shaft of light, shaft, half-light, scintillation, moon, moonlight, moonshine, meteor, luminescence, ignis fatuus, light beam, lamplight, jack-o'-lantern, irradiation, incandescence, radiance, ray, ray of light

the light was filtered through a soft glass window.
Type Words
Synonyms unaccented, weak

a syllable that ends in a short vowel is a light syllable.
Type Words
Synonyms ignite
Type of burn, combust
Has types light up, conflagrate, reignite, enkindle, fire up, flare up, inflame, kindle
Derivation lighter
Type Words
Synonyms lightly

experienced travellers travel light.
Type Words
Synonyms fire, ignite
Type Words
Synonyms christ within, inner light, light within
Type of ethical motive, ethics, morality, morals
Type Words
Synonyms lightsome, tripping
Derivation lightness

the dancer was light and graceful.
a lightsome buoyant step.
walked with a light tripping step.
Type Words
Synonyms illume, illuminate, illumine, light up
Type of lighten up, lighten
Has types floodlight, spotlight

This lamp lightens the room a bit.
Type Words
Synonyms lightness
Type of visual property
Has types sunniness, aura, nimbus, highlight, aureole, gloriole, brightness, highlighting, glory, halo

he could paint the lightest light and the darkest dark.
Type Words
Synonyms igniter, ignitor, lighter
Type of device
Has types lucifer, pocket lighter, friction match, match, primer, priming, fusee, fuse, cigar lighter, cigarette lighter, fuzee, fuze

do you have a light?.
Type Words
Synonyms alight, perch
Type of set down, land

Misfortune lighted upon him.
Type Words
Synonyms wakeful

in a light doze.
a light sleeper.
Type Words
Synonyms easy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton

he was told to avoid loose (or light) women.
Type Words
Synonyms clean, clear, unclouded

a light lilting voice like a silver bell.
Type Words
Synonyms dismount, get down, get off, unhorse
Type of come down, go down, fall, descend
Type Words
Synonyms idle
Derivation lightness

light banter.
light idle chatter.
Type Words
Synonyms light source
Type of source of illumination
Has types jacklight, anchor light, blinker, fairy light, flasher, flood, flood lamp, floodlight, torch, theater light, strip lighting, sidelight, searchlight, sconce, headlamp, headlight, running light, houselights, room light, riding light, riding lamp, photoflood, panel light, night-light, navigation light

he stopped the car and turned off the lights.
Type Words
Synonyms scant, short

a light pound.
Type Words
Synonyms light-colored
Derivation lightness

light blue.
light colors such as pastels.
a light-colored powder.
Type Words
Synonyms fire up, light up
Type of ignite
Type Words
Type of scene

he stepped into the light.
Type Words
Type of position, view, perspective

although he saw it in a different light, he still did not understand.
Type Words
Type of friend

the light of my life.
Type Words
Type of visual signal
Has types traffic light, stoplight, traffic signal

they saw the light of the beacon.
there was a light at every corner.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

a room that is light when the shutters are open.
the inside of the house was airy and light.
Type Words

light housework.
light exercise.
Type Words

light aircraft.
a light truck.
Type Words

a light diet.
Type Words

losing his job was no light matter.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

light verse.
a light comedy.
Type Words
Type of insight, brainstorm, brainwave

he finally saw the light.
can you shed light on this problem?.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

a light load.
magnesium is a light metal--having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C.
Type Words

the light touch of her fingers.
a light breeze.
Type Words

light infantry.
light cavalry.
light industry.
light weapons.
Type Words

light water is ordinary water.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

a light heart.
Type Words
Type of public knowledge, general knowledge

it brought the scandal to light.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

light soil.
Type Words
Derivation lightness

light summer dresses.
Type Words

a light sentence.
a light accent.
casualties were light.
light snow was falling.
light misty rain.
light smoke from the chimney.