Portuguese language

How to pronounce interpret in Portuguese?

Toggle Transcript
Type Words
Synonyms construe, see
Type of understand
Has types misconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand, mythicise, mythicize, read, read between the lines, draw out, reinterpret, scan, be amiss, allegorize, spiritualise, spiritualize, allegorise, take, literalize, literalise, misapprehend, misconceive, extract, evoke, elicit, educe
Verb group regard, view, consider, reckon, see
Derivation interpretation

How do you interpret his behavior?.
Type Words
Synonyms read, translate, understand
Type of understand
Type Words
Synonyms render
Type of perform, do, execute
Has types sing
Derivation interpretive, interpretation, interpretative, interpreter
Type Words
Synonyms render, translate
Type of retell, ingeminate, reiterate, iterate, repeat, restate
Has types retranslate, latinize, gloss, mistranslate
Verb group translate
Derivation interpreter

Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?.
Type Words
Synonyms represent
Type of re-create
Has types mock up, limn, map, animalize, show, capture, carnalize, chart, stylize, stylise, sensualize, conventionalize, silhouette, depict, render, draw, profile, present, portray, animalise, graph, paint, model, picture
Derivation interpretation, interpreter
Type Words
Synonyms rede
Type of explain, explicate
Has types reinterpret, annotate, comment, commentate, deconstruct, gloss, misinterpret, moralise, moralize, re-explain
Derivation interpretation, interpretative, interpreting, interpretive