Portuguese language

How to pronounce instrument in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms instrumentate
Type of compose, write
Derivation instrumentation
Type Words
Synonyms musical instrument
Type of device
Has types bass, wind instrument, calliope, grind organ, electronic musical instrument, wheel fiddle, mouth bow, hand organ, percussion instrument, percussive instrument, jews' harp, wind, hurdy-gurdy, hurdy gurdy, barrel organ, steam organ, stringed instrument, keyboard instrument, electronic instrument, jew's harp, music box, musical box
Derivation instrumental, instrumentalist, instrumentate
Type Words
Synonyms tool
Type of means, agency, way
Derivation instrumental

my greed was the instrument of my destruction.
Type Words
Synonyms cat's-paw, pawn
Type of help, assistant, helper, supporter
Type Words
Synonyms legal document, legal instrument, official document
Type of document, papers, written document
Has types will, act, affidavit, arraignment, articles of incorporation, assignment, authorisation, authorization, bill, bill of indictment, brief, certificate, conveyance, debenture, deed, deed of conveyance, deed of trust, derivative, derivative instrument, enactment, impeachment, income tax return, indictment, judgement, judgment, judicial writ, law, legal brief, legal opinion, letters of administration, letters patent, letters testamentary, licence, license, living will, mandate, manifest, measure, negotiable instrument, opinion, passport, patent, permit, power of attorney, release, return, security, ship's papers, tax return, testament, title, trust deed, acquittance, work papers, work permit, working papers, writ, written agreement
Type Words
Synonyms instrumental role
Type of semantic role, participant role
Type Words
Type of address, direct
Type Words
Type of device
Has types measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system, medical instrument, optical instrument, cauterant, engine, navigational instrument, extractor, organ, harmonium, plotter, reed organ, scientific instrument, cautery, arm, sonograph, surveying instrument, surveyor's instrument, instrument of execution, instrument of punishment, tracer, weapon, weapon system, whip, analyser, analyzer, drafting instrument
Type Words
Type of equip, fit, outfit, fit out
Derivation instrumentation