Portuguese language

How to pronounce inject in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms shoot
Type of put in, enclose, insert, introduce, stick in, inclose
Verb group shoot
Derivation injector, injectable, injection

inject hydrogen into the balloon.
Type Words
Synonyms shoot
Type of administer, dispense
Has types vaccinate, immunise, infuse, immunize, inoculate
Verb group shoot
Derivation injectant, injection, injectable

We injected the glucose into the patient's vein.
Type Words
Synonyms come in, interject, interpose, put in, throw in
Type of interrupt, cut off, break up, disrupt
Type Words
Type of give, feed
Type Words
Type of drug, do drugs
Has types mainline, pop
Derivation injectant

inject heroin.
Type Words
Type of add

He injected new life into the performance.