Portuguese language

How to pronounce influence in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms charm, tempt
Type of persuade
Has types magnetise, bewitch, magnetize, mesmerize, mesmerise, spellbind
Type Words
Synonyms act upon, work
Type of impact, touch, bear upon, bear on, affect, touch on
Has types prejudice, blackjack, blackmail, carry, color, colour, dominate, fix, form, get at, imprint, manipulate, militate, persuade, prepossess, pressure, pull strings, pull wires, sway, swing, swing over

The artist's work influenced the young painter.
Type Words
Synonyms determine, mold, regulate, shape
Type of do, make, cause
Has types indispose, index, incline, time, predetermine, miscreate, carry weight, pace, reshape, decide, disincline, dispose
Type Words
Type of determinant, determinative, determiner, determining factor, causal factor
Has types imprint, imponderable, enticement, canker, temptation, support, pestilence, morale builder

her wishes had a great influence on his thinking.
Type Words
Type of power, powerfulness
Has types force, grasp, grip, dead hand of the past, dead hand, mortmain
Derivation influential

used her parents' influence to get the job.
Type Words
Type of causing, causation
Has types encroachment, exposure, hypnotism, impact, impingement, manipulation, mesmerism, cross-pollination, use, suggestion, temptation, enticement
Type Words
Type of power, force
Derivation influential

she was the most important influence in my life.
he was a bad influence on the children.
Type Words
Type of consequence, issue, event, effect, upshot, result, outcome
Has types purchase, wind, perturbation
Derivation influential

the influence of mechanical action.