Portuguese language

How to pronounce happen in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms bump, chance, encounter, find

I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here.
Type Words
Synonyms materialise, materialize
Type of come about, pass, go on, occur, hap, pass off, fall out, take place
Has types appear, come out
Type Words
Synonyms come about, fall out, go on, hap, occur, pass, pass off, take place
Has types come off, come up, concur, contemporise, contemporize, develop, fall, give, go, go off, go over, anticipate, arise, backfire, backlash, bechance, befall, betide, break, chance, coincide, come, come around, repeat, result, roll around, shine, strike, supervene, synchronise, synchronize, transpire, turn out, intervene, materialise, materialize, proceed, recoil, recrudesce, recur
Derivation happening

What is happening?.
Type Words
Synonyms bechance, befall
Type of pass, go on, pass off, fall out, take place, come about, occur, hap

It happens that today is my birthday.
Type Words
Type of chance
Verb group bechance, befall

I happen to have just what you need!.