Portuguese language

How to pronounce get together in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms fall in, join
Has types penetrate, league together, organize, organise, affiliate, band oneself, unite, unionize, unionise, unify, sign up, rejoin, infiltrate
Type Words
Synonyms assemble, gather
Has types make

get together all those who are interested in the project.
Type Words
Synonyms collaborate, cooperate, join forces
Type of work
Has types collaborate, play along, go along
Verb group collaborate

The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well.
Type Words
Synonyms meet
Has types pick up, visit, fete, rendezvous, reunite, call, celebrate, call in
Type Words
Synonyms meeting
Type of social affair, social gathering
Has types luncheon meeting, power breakfast, seance, session, sitting, appointment, date, engagement, lunch meeting, visit, conventicle