Portuguese language

How to pronounce gesture in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms gesticulate, motion
Type of intercommunicate, communicate
Has types wink, acclaim, applaud, beckon, bless, bow, bow down, clap, cross oneself, exsert, extend, hold out, nod, put out, shake, shrug, sign, spat, stretch forth, stretch out, wave

He gestured his desire to leave.
Type Words
Synonyms motion
Type of visual communication
Has types flourish, facial gesture, nod, obeisance, facial expression, curtsy, previous question, shrug, sign, sign of the cross, curtsey, bowing, v sign, wafture, wave, waving, beck, bow, high-five, gesticulation
Derivation gesticulate
Type Words
Type of motion, motility, movement, move
Has types poke, mudra, jabbing, thrusting, thrust, poking, jab
Derivation gesticulate
Type Words
Type of indicant, indication
Has types beau geste

a political gesture.
a gesture of defiance.