Portuguese language

How to pronounce gage in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms gauge
Type of measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system
Has types depth gauge, dipstick, wire gauge, gas gage, gas gauge, gasoline gage, gasoline gauge, wire gage, wind gauge, petrol gage, petrol gauge, pluviometer, pressure gage, pressure gauge, rain gage, rain gauge, scribing block, strain gage, strain gauge, surface gage, surface gauge, udometer, vacuum gage, vacuum gauge, water gage, water gauge, wind gage, water glass, anemometer, depth gage
Type Words
Synonyms dope, grass, green goddess, locoweed, mary jane, pot, sens, sess, skunk, smoke, weed
Type of ganja, marihuana, marijuana, cannabis
Type Words
Synonyms back, bet on, game, punt, stake
Type of wager, bet, play
Has types double up, ante, parlay