Portuguese language

How to pronounce fuel in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms fire
Type of render, furnish, provide, supply
Type Words
Type of substance
Has types butane, charcoal, coal gas, coal oil, coke, combustible, combustible material, diesel fuel, diesel oil, fire, firewood, fossil fuel, fuel oil, biomass, gasohol, gasolene, gasoline, heating oil, igniter, ignitor, illuminant, kerosene, kerosine, lamp oil, lighter, methanol, methyl alcohol, nuclear fuel, petrol, propane, red fire, water gas, wood alcohol, wood coal, wood spirit, gas

more fuel is needed during the winter months.
they developed alternative fuels for aircraft.
Type Words
Type of furnish, render, supply, provide
Has types gas up, bunker, refuel
Derivation fueling

fuel aircraft, ships, and cars.
Type Words
Type of excite, shake up, stimulate, stir, shake

fuel the debate on creationism.
Type Words
Type of take up, take in
Has types refuel
Derivation fueling

The tanker fueled in Bahrain.