Portuguese language

How to pronounce fragment in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms break up, fragmentise, fragmentize
Type of separate, break, come apart, split up, fall apart
Has types crumb, crunch, crush, grate, grind, mash, pound, rag, sliver, splinter, atomise, sunder, atomize, bray, brecciate, comminute
Derivation fragmentation

The plate fragmented.
Type Words
Synonyms shard, sherd
Type of piece
Has types potsherd
Derivation fragmental, fragmentary
Type Words
Type of piece
Has types snatch, bit
Derivation fragmental, fragmentary

fragments of a play.
Type Words
Type of part, piece
Has types ember, filing, flake, fleck, bit, restriction fragment, scrap, scraping, shaving, sliver, spall, spark, spawl, paring, brickbat, chip, cinder, clast, clinker, coal
Derivation fragmental, fragmentary, fragmentize

a fragment of rock.