Portuguese language

How to pronounce formulate in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms contrive, devise, excogitate, forge, invent
Type of create by mental act, create mentally
Derivation formulation, formula
Type Words
Synonyms develop, explicate
Type of theorize, theorise, conjecture, suppose, speculate, hypothesise, hypothecate, hypothesize
Has types redevelop, mature, reformulate
Verb group acquire, evolve, develop
Derivation formulation
Type Words
Synonyms articulate, give voice, phrase, word
Type of show, express, evince
Has types dogmatize, put, redact, dogmatise, couch, cast, formularize, ask, frame, formularise, lexicalise, lexicalize
Derivation formulation

He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees.
Type Words
Type of create from raw material, create from raw stuff
Derivation formulation, formula