Portuguese language

How to pronounce fit in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms accommodate, suit
Type of satisfy, meet, fill, fulfill, fulfil, conform to
Derivation fitter
Type Words
Synonyms primed, set
Derivation fitness

in no fit state to continue.
fit to drop.
laughing fit to burst.
she was fit to scream.
Type Words
Synonyms convulsion, paroxysm
Type of attack

a fit of coughing.
Type Words
Synonyms conform to, fill, fulfil, fulfill, meet, satisfy
Type of ply, supply, provide, cater
Has types quench, feed on, feed upon, fill the bill, satisfy, content, fit the bill, fulfil, fulfill, assuage, slake, stay, appease, answer, allay, suit, quell, live up to, accommodate
Type Words
Synonyms match
Type of adjust, set, correct
Has types equilibrate, equilibrise, equilibrize, balance
Verb group match
Derivation fitting
Type Words
Synonyms burst
Type of activity
Has types fits and starts

a fit of housecleaning.
Type Words
Synonyms conniption, scene, tantrum
Type of bad temper, ill temper

he had a fit.
Type Words
Synonyms go
Has types joint, tessellate
Verb group blend in, blend, go
Derivation fitting

This piece won't fit into the puzzle.
Type Words
Synonyms equip, fit out, outfit
Type of render, furnish, supply, provide
Has types rejig, horseshoe, fuse, rig, fin, commission, set, collar, set up, shaft, clothe, armour, spar, spur, armor, stave, appoint, stock, adorn, motorize, accouter, turn out, wire, accoutre, muzzle, mechanize, mechanise, kit up, kit out, kit, invest, instrument, re-equip, refit, motorise
Derivation fitting
Type Words
Synonyms agree, check, correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally
Type of be, equal
Has types align, harmonize, answer, harmonise, square, rhyme, rime, bear out, befit, beseem, accord, duplicate, parallel, underpin, twin, support, look, pattern, suit, adhere, resemble, homologize, agree, fit in, coincide, concord, consist, consort, correlate, corroborate
Verb group consort, check out, fit in, agree, concord, accord, harmonise, harmonize, check
Type Words
Type of be
Has types go

How does this shirt fit?.
Type Words
Type of adapt, accommodate

Can you fit the toy into the box?.
This man can't fit himself into our work environment.
Type Words
Type of shape, form
Has types dovetail
Derivation fitting, fitter

fit a dress.
He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out.
Type Words
Derivation fitness

a fit subject for discussion.
it is fit and proper that you be there.
water fit to drink.
fit for duty.
do as you see fit to.
Type Words
Derivation fitness

felt relaxed and fit after their holiday.
keeps fit with diet and exercise.
Type Words
Type of way, fashion, manner, style, mode
Has types hang

I admired the fit of her coat.