Portuguese language

How to pronounce example in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms model
Type of representation, internal representation, mental representation
Has types prefiguration, archetype, epitome, guide, holotype, image, loadstar, lodestar, microcosm, original, paradigm, pilot, prototype, template, templet, type specimen
Derivation exemplify

I profited from his example.
Type Words
Synonyms exemplar, good example, model
Type of ideal
Has types pacemaker, pattern, beauty, prodigy, beaut, pacesetter
Derivation exemplify, exemplary
Type Words
Synonyms case, instance
Type of happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent
Has types clip, mortification, piece, time, humiliation, bit
Derivation exemplify

but there is always the famous example of the Smiths.
Type Words
Synonyms illustration, instance, representative
Type of information
Has types excuse, apology, specimen, case in point, sample, exception, quintessence, precedent
Derivation exemplify, exemplary

this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome.
there is an example on page 10.
Type Words
Synonyms deterrent example, lesson, object lesson
Type of monition, admonition, word of advice, warning
Derivation exemplary

they decided to make an example of him.
Type Words
Synonyms exercise
Type of lesson

you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook.