Portuguese language

How to pronounce enter in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms come in, get in, get into, go in, go into, move into
Has types intrude on, intrude, get on, walk in, take the field, take water, file in, encroach upon, dock, turn in, re-enter, pop in, perforate, out in, penetrate, obtrude upon, irrupt, invade, call at, board
Derivation entering, entrant, entree, entry, entrance

the boat entered an area of shallow marshes.
Type Words
Synonyms figure
Type of be
Type Words
Synonyms enrol, enroll, inscribe, recruit
Type of register
Has types muster in, draft, unionise, enlist, unionize, register, matriculate
Type Words
Synonyms embark
Type of get down, begin, commence, get, set about, set out, start, start out
Has types take up
Type Words
Synonyms accede
Type of come after, succeed, follow, take office
Has types ascend
Type Words
Synonyms infix, insert, introduce
Type of attach
Has types canulate, graft, imbed, implant, input, instil, connect, plug into, cannulate, instill, embed, plug in, engraft, sandwich, intubate, penetrate, transplant, plant, cannulize, cannulise
Type Words
Synonyms participate
Has types jump
Derivation entrant

enter a race.
enter an agreement.
enter a drug treatment program.
enter negotiations.
Type Words
Synonyms put down, record
Type of save, preserve
Has types post, punch in, record, accession, videotape, book, chalk up, chronicle, clock in, clock on, clock up, tape, document, file, file away, tally, film, take, snap, inscribe, shoot, score, keep, log, log up, maintain, manifest, mark, notch, ring up, photograph, register
Derivation entry
Type Words
Derivation entrance, entering