Portuguese language

How to pronounce displace in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms move
Has types agitate, beat, blow, bowl over, brandish, bring down, bring forward, bring outside, bring up, bump around, carry, center, centre, change hands, change owners, channel, channelise, channelize, chase away, circulate, splay, transport, tug, tump over, turn, turn back, turn over, twine, unroll, unseat, unwind, uproot, upset, upstage, vex, wash, wave, wedge, whistle, whoosh, wind, wind off, woosh, work, wrap, commove, crowd, dandle, depress, deracinate, direct, disarrange, disgorge, dislocate, dislodge, dispel, distribute, disturb, disunite, divide, drag, draw, drive, drive away, drive off, drive out, drop, elevate, engage, expel, exteriorize, extirpate, flap, flick, flourish, fluctuate, force, force out, funnel, get down, get up, glide, herd, hit, hustle, impel, jar, kick out, knock over, lateralize, launch, lay, let down, lift, lock, lower, luxate, mesh, mobilise, mobilize, operate, overturn, part, pass around, pass on, place, play, pose, position, post, pour, press down, propel, pull, pulse, pump, push, put, race, raise, raise up, rake, relocate, reposition, revolve, riffle, rock, roll, root out, rouse, rout out, ruffle, run, run off, rush, saltate, scan, send, separate, set, set in motion, shake up, shed, shift, ship, singsong, sink, slide, sling, slip, slop, spill, splatter, advance, squeeze, station, stir, stir up, strike, sway, swing, take back, take down, throw out, tip over, transfer, translate, transmit
Verb group locomote, travel, move, go
Type Words
Synonyms preempt
Type of supersede, supplant, replace, supervene upon
Type Words
Synonyms can, dismiss, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, terminate
Type of remove
Has types send away, send packing, drop, retire, dismiss, lay off, pension off, furlough, squeeze out, clean out
Type Words
Type of move
Has types bump, evacuate, uproot, deracinate, force out, transplant, dislocate, crowd out, dislodge, transfer

the refugees were displaced by the war.