Portuguese language

How to pronounce delivery in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms deliverance, rescue, saving
Type of recovery, retrieval
Has types salvation, salvage, reformation, redemption, search and rescue mission, reclamation, lifesaving
Derivation deliver
Type Words
Synonyms obstetrical delivery
Type of human action, act, deed, human activity
Has types breech presentation, cesarian section, cesarean delivery, cesarean section, cesarian, abdominal delivery, caesarian delivery, caesarian section, breech delivery, cesarean, c-section, breech birth, caesarean, caesarean delivery, caesarean section, midwifery, forceps delivery, caesarian
Derivation deliver
Type Words
Synonyms legal transfer, livery
Type of conveying, conveyance, conveyance of title, conveyancing
Has types bailment, surrender
Derivation deliver
Type Words
Synonyms pitch
Type of throw
Has types submarine ball, balk, ball, beanball, beaner, bender, strike, breaking ball, spitter, spitball, smoke, bullet, sinker, curve, wild pitch, duster, submarine pitch, change-of-pace, change-of-pace ball, change-up, overhand pitch, off-speed pitch, knuckler, knuckleball, hummer, heater, fastball, curve ball, screwball, passed ball
Type Words
Synonyms bringing
Type of conveyance, transportation, transport, transferral, transfer
Has types serving, handing over, passage, airdrop, consignment, post, service, service of process
Derivation deliver

his reluctant delivery of bad news.
Type Words
Synonyms manner of speaking, speech
Type of expressive style, style
Has types elocution, catch, prosody, address, tone, tone of voice, tongue, inflection, shibboleth, modulation
Derivation deliver
Type Words
Type of nativity, nascency, nascence, birth

she had a difficult delivery.