Portuguese language

How to pronounce confine in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms detain
Has types jail, incarcerate, intern, remand, cage in, gaol, lag, put away, trap, straiten, cage, pin down, put behind bars, bind over, keep in, keep, immure, jug, imprison
Derivation confinement
Type Words
Synonyms enclose, hold in
Type of contain, carry, bear, hold
Has types frame, rail in, border, bound, box in, box up, rail, embank
Derivation confinement
Type Words
Synonyms bound, limit, restrict, throttle, trammel
Has types skimp, clamp down, constrain, crack down, cramp, cumber, delimit, delimitate, demarcate, draw a line, draw the line, encumber, gate, halter, hamper, mark off, mark out, reduce, restrain, scant, stiffen, strangle, tie, tighten, tighten up
Type Words
Synonyms constrain, hold, restrain
Type of disenable, disable, incapacitate
Has types shackle, tie up, ground, fold, pound, pound up, enchain, impound, truss, fetter, pinion, bind, tie down, pen up
Type Words
Type of hold back, restrain, keep back, keep
Has types lock up, cabin, put away, coop up, coop in, seal in, shut away, shut up, closet, lock, lock away, lock in