Portuguese language

How to pronounce condense in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms concentrate, digest
Type of abbreviate, reduce, foreshorten, cut, contract, abridge, shorten
Has types encapsulate, capsule, capsulise, capsulize, telescope
Derivation condensation, condenser

condense the contents of a book into a summary.
Type Words
Synonyms concentrate, contract
Type of modify, alter, change
Derivation condensation

Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan.
Type Words
Synonyms distil, distill
Type of liquefy, flux, liquify
Derivation condensate, condensation

water condenses.
Type Words
Type of intensify, deepen
Verb group contract, concentrate
Derivation condensation

Her feelings condensed.
Type Words
Type of change integrity
Derivation condensing, condensate, condensation, condenser

The cold air condensed the steam.
Type Words
Type of come up, arise
Verb group distil, distill
Derivation condensation, condensing

All our planets condensed out of the same material.
Type Words
Type of withdraw, remove, take, take away
Verb group distil, distill
Derivation condensing, condensation

condense the milk.