Portuguese language

How to pronounce communicate in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms intercommunicate
Type of interact
Has types network, nod, pay, project, radio, reach, render, riddle, semaphore, share, sign, signal, signalise, signalize, speak, talk, telepathise, telepathize, throw, turn to, utter, verbalise, verbalize, visit, whistle, write, yak, pull a face, address, aphorise, aphorize, ask, blog, bring down, carry, come across, come over, commune, contact, convey, enquire, express, finger-spell, fingerspell, gab, gesticulate, gesture, get, get hold of, get through, give, greet, grimace, impose, inflict, inform, inquire, issue, jest, joke, make a face, motion, mouth
Derivation communicating, communication, communicative, communicator, communicatory

He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist.
Type Words
Synonyms pass, pass along, pass on, put across
Type of transmit, convey
Has types ask for, acknowledge, put over, implant, receipt, relay, render, request, return, send a message, carry, get across, bespeak, message, telecommunicate, deliver, call for, plant, quest
Derivation communicative, communicator, communicatory, communicating, communication

Please communicate this message to all employees.
Type Words
Synonyms commune
Type of covenant
Derivation communication
Type Words
Synonyms convey, transmit
Type of transfer
Has types pass, pass on, put across, pass along
Derivation communication

communicate a disease.
Type Words
Type of covenant
Verb group commune
Derivation communication
Type Words
Type of interact
Has types message
Derivation communication, communicator, communicatory, communicative, communicating

He and his sons haven't communicated for years.
Do you communicate well with your advisor?.
Type Words
Type of intercommunicate
Derivation communication

The rooms communicated.