Portuguese language

How to pronounce comment in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms annotate, gloss
Type of interpret, rede
Type Words
Synonyms notice, point out, remark
Type of observe, remark, mention, note
Has types pick apart, wisecrack, criticise, criticize, kibbitz, kibitz, knock
Derivation commentary

he commented the paper of his colleague.
Type Words
Synonyms gossip, scuttlebutt
Type of report, account
Has types talk of the town, talk, scandal, rumour, rumor, pipeline, malicious gossip, hearsay, dirt, grapevine, earful, word of mouth
Type Words
Synonyms input, remark
Type of statement
Has types gibe, gambit, dig, jibe, crack, mention, observation, passing comment, courtesy, platitude, ploy, quip, reference, reflection, reflexion, conversation stopper, rib, commonplace, cliche, sally, bromide, shaft, shot, slam, barb, stopper, banality, wisecrack, ad-lib, zinger, obiter dictum
Derivation commentate

from time to time she contributed a personal comment on his account.
Type Words
Synonyms commentary
Type of statement
Has types notation, note, midrash, annotation
Derivation commentate

he wrote an extended comment on the proposal.
Type Words
Type of explicate, explain
Has types disc-jockey, disk-jockey, dj, second-guess