Portuguese language

How to pronounce chance in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms opportunity
Type of possibleness, possibility
Has types street, shot, day, hearing, audience, fresh start, brass ring, crack, clean slate, tabula rasa, throw, room, say, opening, occasion, hunting ground

now is your chance.
Type Words
Synonyms bump, encounter, find, happen

She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day.
Type Words
Synonyms casual

a chance occurrence.
Type Words
Synonyms prospect
Type of potentiality, potential, potency
Type Words
Synonyms adventure, gamble, hazard, risk, run a risk, take a chance, take chances
Type of essay, assay, try, seek, attempt
Has types go for broke, luck it, luck through
Type Words
Synonyms probability
Type of amount, quantity, measure
Has types cross section, conditional probability, contingent probability, exceedance, fair chance, fat chance, joint probability, risk, risk of exposure, risk of infection, slim chance, sporting chance

if that phone call is for me, chances are it's my wife.
Type Words
Synonyms fortune, hazard, luck
Type of phenomenon
Has types toss-up, bad luck, mischance, mishap, even chance, tossup

we ran into each other by pure chance.
Type Words
Type of danger, peril, risk
Derivation chancy

you take a chance when you let her drive.
Type Words
Type of occur, take place, come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, pass off, pass
Has types happen

I chanced to meet my old friend in the street.