Portuguese language

How to pronounce ass in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms fuck, fucking, nookie, nooky, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, screw, screwing, shag, shtup
Type of intercourse, copulation, coitus, coition, relation, carnal knowledge, sex act, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relation
Type Words
Synonyms arse, backside, behind, bottom, bum, buns, butt, buttocks, can, derriere, fanny, fundament, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, prat, rear, rear end, rump, seat, stern, tail, tail end, tooshie, tush
Type of body part
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Type of sap, fool, tomfool, muggins, saphead
Type Words
Type of equine, equid
Has types wild ass, equus asinus, jackass, jack, jenny ass, jenny, jennet, domestic ass, donkey