Portuguese language

How to pronounce answer in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms reply, respond
Type of state, tell, say
Has types repay, bridle, call back, come back, counter, field, rejoin, retort, return, riposte, sass
Derivation answerer

She didn't want to answer.
answer the question.
We answered that we would accept the invitation.
Type Words
Synonyms do, serve, suffice
Type of live up to, satisfy, fulfil, fulfill
Has types go around, serve, measure up, function, go a long way, bridge over, tide over, qualify, keep going

A few words would answer.
Type Words
Synonyms resolution, result, solution, solvent
Type of statement
Has types denouement

the answers were in the back of the book.
Type Words
Synonyms reply, response
Type of statement
Has types rescript, feedback

I waited several days for his answer.
Type Words
Synonyms resolve
Type of work, work out, puzzle out, lick, figure out, solve
Derivation answerable

The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered.
Type Words
Type of reaction, response

his answer to any problem was to get drunk.
their answer was to sue me.
Type Words
Type of be

She must answer for her actions.
Type Words
Type of fulfil, meet, satisfy, fill, fit, fulfill, conform to

This may answer her needs.
Type Words
Type of rebut, refute

The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution.
Type Words
Type of lick, puzzle out, solve, figure out, work, work out

answer a question.
answer the riddle.
Type Words
Type of fit, agree, check, tally, correspond, match, gibe, jibe

The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave.
Type Words
Type of respond, react

The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch.
Type Words
Type of respond, react

answer the door.
answer the telephone.
Type Words
Type of pleading
Has types plea, nolo contendere, non vult, evasive answer
Type Words
Type of reply, response
Has types urim and thummim, refutation, defence, defense