Portuguese language

How to pronounce american in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms american english, american language
Type of english language, english
Has types african american english, aave, black vernacular, black vernacular english, black english vernacular, black english, african american vernacular english, ebonics
Type Words
Type of indweller, habitant, denizen, dweller, inhabitant
Has types west indian, creole, south american, north american, latin american, mesoamerican, latino
Type Words
Type of indweller, denizen, inhabitant, dweller, habitant
Has types connecticuter, cornhusker, creole, delawarean, delawarian, down easter, floridian, franco-american, garden stater, georgian, german american, gopher, granite stater, hawaiian, hispanic, hispanic american, hoosier, idahoan, illinoisan, indianan, yankee-doodle, alabaman, alabamian, alaskan, anglo-american, appalachian, arizonan, arizonian, arkansan, arkansawyer, asian american, badger, bay stater, beaver, bluegrass stater, bostonian, buckeye, californian, carolinian, coloradan, tennessean, texan, tory, utahan, vermonter, virginian, volunteer, washingtonian, west virginian, wisconsinite, wolverine, wyomingite, yank, yankee, iowan, kansan, kentuckian, keystone stater, louisianan, louisianian, mainer, marylander, michigander, minnesotan, mississippian, missourian, montanan, nebraskan, nevadan, new englander, new hampshirite, new jerseyan, new jerseyite, new mexican, new yorker, nisei, north carolinian, north dakotan, northerner, ohioan, oklahoman, oregonian, pennsylvanian, puerto rican, rhode islander, sooner, south carolinian, south dakotan, southerner, spanish american, tarheel
Derivation americanize
Type Words
Derivation americanize, america
Type Words
Derivation america