Portuguese language

How to pronounce accumulation in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms aggregation, assemblage, collection
Type of group, grouping
Has types category, central america, class, clutch, coin collection, collage, combination, congregation, content, contents, convoy, corpus, crop, cumulation, cumulus, data, deal, defence, defense, defense lawyers, defense team, ensemble, europe, exhibition, expo, exposition, extragalactic nebula, family, fauna, findings, flagging, fleet, flinders, flora, free world, gaap, galaxy, generally accepted accounting principles, gimmickry, hand, heap, herbarium, hit parade, information, job lot, judaica, jurisprudence, kludge, law, library, long suit, lot, mail, mass, menagerie, miscellanea, miscellany, mixed bag, mixture, motley, mound, mythology, north america, nuclear club, oort cloud, pack, package, packet, pantheon, parcel, petting zoo, pharmacopoeia, pile, planting, population, post, potpourri, procession, zoology, agglomeration, air power, ana, armamentarium, art collection, asia, assortment, aviation, backlog, batch, battery, biology, biota, block, book, botany, bottle collection, bunch, bundle, caboodle, universe, variety, vegetation, victoriana, wardrobe, agglomerate, program library, prosecution, repertoire, repertory, rogue's gallery, rule book, salmagundi, set, signage, smithereens, smorgasbord, south america, stamp collection, statuary, string, subroutine library, sum, sum total, summation, tenantry, third world, tout ensemble, traffic, treasure, treasure trove, trinketry, troponomy, troponymy
Derivation accumulate
Type Words
Synonyms accrual, accruement
Type of increase, step-up
Has types buildup
Derivation accumulate
Type Words
Synonyms accretion
Type of growth, increment, increase
Has types deposit, buildup, deposition, backup
Type Words
Type of profit, profits, net, net income, net profit, earnings, lucre
Has types reserve, stockpile, stock, backlog, store, fund