Portuguese language

How to pronounce abandon in Portuguese?

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Type Words
Synonyms wildness
Type of passion, passionateness
Type Words
Synonyms empty, vacate
Type of leave, go away, go forth
Type Words
Synonyms give up
Has types sell out
Verb group give, give way, move over, founder, fall in, yield, ease up, collapse, cave in, break
Derivation abandonment

He abandoned the thought of asking for her hand in marriage.
Type Words
Synonyms desert, desolate, forsake
Type of leave
Has types ditch, walk out, strand, expose, maroon
Derivation abandonment
Type Words
Synonyms unconstraint, wantonness
Type of unrestraint

she danced with abandon.
Type Words
Synonyms give up
Has types relinquish, foreswear, quit, renounce
Derivation abandonment
Type Words
Type of cast aside, cast away, cast out, toss away, put away, toss out, chuck out, toss, discard, dispose, throw out, throw away, fling
Has types throw overboard, ditch, give up, chuck, forfeit, waive, consign, forgo, dispense with, forego
Derivation abandonment

We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot.