Polish language

How to pronounce wildcat in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms beast, brute, savage, wolf
Type of assailant, assaulter, attacker, aggressor
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Synonyms wildcat well
Type of oiler, oil well
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Synonyms unauthorised, unauthorized

wildcat work stoppage.
Type Words
Type of cat, true cat
Has types felis bengalensis, felis chaus, felis concolor, felis manul, felis ocreata, felis pardalis, felis serval, felis silvestris, felis tigrina, felis wiedi, felis yagouaroundi, jaguarondi, jaguarundi, jaguarundi cat, jungle cat, kaffir cat, leopard cat, lynx, manul, margay, margay cat, mountain lion, ocelot, painter, caffer cat, catamount, catamountain, cougar, european wildcat, eyra, panther, panther cat, puma, sand cat, serval, tiger cat, pallas's cat
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drilling there would be strictly a wildcat operation.
a wildcat mine.
wildcat drilling.
wildcat wells.
Type Words

wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks.
wildcat stock speculation.
a wildcat airline.
wildcat life insurance schemes.