Polish language

How to pronounce union in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms conglutination
Type of healing
Type Words
Synonyms federal
Type Words
Synonyms conjugation, coupling, mating, pairing, sexual union
Type of sexual activity, sex, sex activity, sexual practice
Has types crossbreeding, assortative mating, cross, crossing, disassortative mating, hybridisation, hybridization, hybridizing, inbreeding, interbreeding, service, servicing
Type Words
Synonyms join, sum
Type of set
Has types direct sum

let C be the union of the sets A and B.
Type Words
Synonyms brotherhood, labor union, trade union, trades union
Type of organisation, organization
Has types craft union, industrial union, industrial workers of the world, iww, i.w.w., vertical union, company union
Derivation unionize

you have to join the union in order to get a job.
Type Words
Synonyms marriage, matrimony, spousal relationship, wedlock
Type of marital status
Has types common-law marriage, intermarriage, marriage of convenience, misalliance, monandry, monogamousness, monogamy, open marriage, inmarriage, polygamy, exogamy, endogamy, cuckoldom, sigeh, bigamy

God bless this union.
Type Words
Synonyms north
Type Words
Synonyms unification
Type of state
Has types association, syncretism, connectedness, conjunction, conjugation, link, fusion, marriage, colligation, coalition, junction, connection

there is strength in union.
Type Words
Synonyms conjugation, jointure, unification, uniting
Type of combination, combining, compounding
Has types coalescence, concretion, reunion, tribalization, reunification, umbrella, coalescency, tribalisation, conglutination, coalition
Derivation unite

the union of opposing factions.
Type Words
Type of device
Type Words
Type of political entity, political unit
Has types enosis, federation, customs union, confederacy, confederation, league
Type Words

the union movement.
union negotiations.
a union-shop clause in the contract.
Type Words
Type of occurrence, occurrent, happening, natural event
Has types amphimixis, unification, fusion, merger, combining, combine

lightning produced an unusual union of the metals.