Polish language

How to pronounce suspension in Polish?

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Type Words
Synonyms abatement, hiatus, reprieve, respite
Type of break, interruption
Has types subsidence, remission, defervescence, remittal
Derivation suspend
Type Words
Synonyms suspension system
Type of mechanical system
Type Words
Synonyms temporary removal
Type of debarment
Has types rustication
Derivation suspend
Type Words
Synonyms abeyance
Type of inaction, inactiveness, inactivity
Has types moratorium, standdown, deferral, recess, stand-down, cold storage
Derivation suspend
Type Words
Synonyms break, intermission, interruption, pause
Type of interval, time interval
Has types wait, blackout, caesura, dead air, delay, halftime, hold, lapse, letup, lull, postponement, relief, respite, rest, rest period, time-out, time lag
Derivation suspend
Type Words
Synonyms dangling, hanging
Type of supporting, support
Derivation suspend
Type Words
Type of mixture
Has types slurry, vapor, resuspension, vapour, mash
Derivation suspend